TitleAuthorSourcePublication DateDatabase
Do Stressful Working Conditions Cause Psychiatric Disorders?Kivimäki, Mika Hotopf, Matthew Henderson, MaxOccupational Medicine2010article
Job Control, Lob Demands, or Social Class? The Impact of Working Conditions on the Relation betweenRahkonen, Ossi Laaksonen, Mikko Martikainen, Pekka Roos, Eva Lahelma, EeroJournal of Epidemiology & Community Health2006article
Working Conditions, Psychosocial Resources and Work Stress in Nurses and Physicians in Chief ManagerSenior Lecturer, Department of Nursing, Malmo¨ University, Malmo¨, SwedenJournal of Nursing Management2006article
Examining the Relationship between Psychosocial Working Conditions, Physical Work Demands, and LeisuMorassaei, Sara Smith, Peter M.Journal of Occupational & Environmental Medicine2011article
The Role of Goal Pursuit in the Interaction between Psychosocial Work Environment and OccupationalKatriina Hyvönen, Taru Feldt, Asko Tolvanen, Ulla KinnunenJournal of Vocational Behavior2010article
Structural Determinants of the Psychosocial Work Environment: Introducing Technology in the WorkBENJAMIN C. AMICK III & DAVID D. CELENTANOERGONOMICS1991article
Safety Behavior: Job Demands, Job Resources, and Perceived Management Commitment to SafetyIsabelle Hansez, Nik ChmielAmerican Psychological Association2010article
Employees’ job Demands–Resources Profiles, Burnout and Work Engagement: A Person-centred ExaminationAnja Van den Broeck, Nele De Cuyper, Koen Luyckx, Hans De WitteEconomic and Industrial Democracy2011article
Job Control, Job Demands, or Social Class? The Impact of Working Conditions on the Relation betweenOssi Rahkonen, Mikko Laaksonen, Pekka Martikainen, Eva Roos and Eero LahelmaJournal of Epidemiology and Community Health2006article
The “Working Conditions and Control Questionnaire” (WOCCQ): Towards a Structural Model of SubjectiveI. HansezRevue européenne de psychologie appliquée2008article
The Dynamics of Stress and Changes in the Working ConditionsE.N. Gruber, M. Katic, M. AgiusEuropean Psychiatry2008article
Working Conditions in Projects: Perceptions of Stress and Motivation among Project Team Members andMargareta Ga¨ llstedtInternational Journal of Project Management2003article
Empowering Leaders Optimize Working Conditions for Engagement: A Multilevel StudyMichelle R. Tuckey, Arnold B. BakkerJournal of Occupational Health Psychology2012article
The Oxford Handbook of Work Engagement, Motivation, and Self-Determination TheoryMarylene GagneOxford University Press2014book
Demanding Work: The Paradox of Job Quality in the Affluent EconomyFrancis GreenPrinceton University Press2006book
Expanding the Conceptual Boundaries of Work EffortTimur ErimSpringer Gabler2019book
Behavioral Medicine Work, Stress and HealthW. Doyle Gentry, Herbert Benson, Charles J. de WolffSpringer Netherlands1985book
Managing the Risk of Workplace Stress: Health and Safety HazardsSharon Clarke, Cary L. CooperRoutledge2003book
Managing Workplace Stress: The Cognitive Behavioural WayKoushiki ChoudhurySpringer India2013book
Surviving Job Stress: How to Overcome Workday PressuresJohn Boghosian ArdenCareer Press2002book